
The Elevator Load Weighing Control System

датчики перегрузки лифта sensores de sobrecarga del ascensor أجهزة استشعار الحمل الزائد للمصعد asansör aşırı yük sensörleri sensor kelebihan beban lift

○ Key product in new plan ○ Self-learning,no debug, off line, power-off protection, bug autoalarm ○ Supporting more than 300 elevator manufacturing enterprises in the world

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The Elevator IC Intelligent Management System

доступ к карте IC для лифта Acceso con tarjeta IC al ascensor الدخول عن طريق البطاقة الذكية للمصعد asansör IC kart erişimi akses kartu IC lift

○ Time & times-limited, disturbance-free, to make safer elevator ○ Variety ways of elevator calling like Card,code,fingerprint,phonenumber,etc.  ○ Billing daily,monthly or in each time to make property charge easily

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The Elevator Earthquake Detector

сейсмический датчик лифта Sensor sísmico de ascensor جهاز استشعار الزلازل للمصعد asansör sismik sensörü sensor seismik lift

○Accurate perception of the seismic information to avoid earthquake damage to the elevator ○Timely rescue of trapped person  ○Participate in the State administration of quality supervision the《2008QK21》subject research and participate in the National elevator shockproof standards drafting

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Elevator remote monitoring and management system

система дистанционного мониторинга лифта Sistema de monitoreo remoto de ascensores نظام مراقبة المصاعد عن بعد asansör uzaktan izleme sistemi sistem pemantauan jarak jauh lift

○ Non-contact information collection is applicable to all brand elevators ○ Synchronous transmission of audio and video signals is more convenient to install without hoistway wiring.

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The Energy Saving Device for Elevator

Устройство для экономии энергии в лифте Dispositivo de ahorro de energía جهاز توفير الطاقة للمصعد Asansör enerji tasarruf cihazı Perangkat penghemat energi lift

○ National key product in new plan Reported by CCTV repeatedly ○ Used in the ministry of science and technology, the general hospital of China PLA and other more than 1000 energy saving program in countrywide

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The Elevator Braking Ability Detector

Детектор тормозной способности лифта Detector de capacidad de frenado del ascensor كاشف قدرة كبح المصعد Asansör frenleme yeteneği dedektörü Detektor kemampuan pengereman lift

○ Conform to GB/T 7024-Terminology for Elevators, Escalators and Moving Sidewalks ○Meet GB/T 10058-2009 elevator technical conditions ○ Conform to GB/T 10059-2009 elevator test method ○ Conform to GB/T 24474-2009 elevator riding quality measurement

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The Intelligent City“96333”

Лифт спасательная кабина Coche de rescate con ascensor سيارة انقاذ المصعد Asansör kurtarma arabası Mobil penyelamat lift

The intelligent "96333" elevator emergency management system has established an elevator emergency rescue system with first-level response as the main, second-level response as the auxiliary and third-level response as the guarantee. Through the three-level rescue response mechanism and six functional software, the elevator early warning rescue vehicle is equipped to realize rapid response, reasonable dispatch, rapid rescue and first aid of elevator emergencies, shorten the time passengers are trapped in the elevator, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

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The Audio And Video Transmission Device

Устройство передачи видеосигнала в лифте Dispositivo de transmisión de vídeo جهاز نقل فيديو المصعد Asansör video iletim cihazı Perangkat transmisi video lift

○ Audio and video transmission/high-speed data communication ○ Plug and play efficient and convenient

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The Escalator Handrail Sterilizer

стерилизатор эскалатора esterilizador de escaleras mecánicas معقم السلالم المتحركة yürüyen merdiven sterilizatörü sterilisator eskalator

Do you hold on to the handrail when riding the escalator? Escalator handrails are prone to various infectious diseases and bacterial infections, and the Escalator Handrail Sterilizer provides you with a clean environment.

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Elevator Flash Alarm

Мигающая сигнализация в лифте Alarma de flash del ascensor إنذار فلاش المصعد Asansör flaş alarmı Alarm lampu kilat lift

The Elevator Flash Alarm developed by our company is used for sound and light alarm in elevator emergency situations. The device mainly generates PWM signal through the single chip microcomputer to control the piezoelectric ceramic buzzer and LED lamp to carry out sound and light alarm according to the requirements. This product has the advantages of stable performance, easy installation and high cost performance.

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